Night Lights

Saturday, June 24, 2006

I'll have a Venti decaf non-fat soy Chi Latte please....

I finally get it, it's taken years of careful study, intense observation but I've finally figured out why people order these crazy drinks at Starbucks.

They're trying to improve their vocabulary across multiple language.

Unfortunately, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) came to different conclusion, which leads me to believe that I may have erroneous results...

CSPI is currently waging war on Kentucky Fried Chicken (or should I say KFC, as it's been known ever since all Fried food became evil) for the high level of saturated and transfat that their products contain, and in general for the poor nutritional value of their food. Fine, fried food = bad I get it. But now, the center has set it's sights on your local Starbucks. Yes, Starbucks.

As a casual, one cup of decaf java a day kinda guy, this peaked my curiosity: what was so evil about Starbucks? wait don't answer that. I'm talking about health here, not how they're taking over the world, suppressing farmers, blah blah blah, et cetera ad infinitum.

So I took a trip over to to check out their nutritional information.


I was in for a shocker. So that nice Green Tea Frappacino you've been enjoying each and every morning (or perhaps it was just on weekends) contains a whopping 550 calories, 50 g of fat and 60 mg of cholesterol. That's 100% of your daily recommended fat intake, the calorie equivalent of a meal, and nearly 50% of your cholesterol allotment, and lets remember that not meeting your cholesterol requirements isn't the end of the world.

So I thought to myself, well that's all right, I only have decaf coffee, and that's only 10 cal without cream.... so if I switch to whole milk (non-fat just doesn't cut the coffee) I'm ok. I mean I only have the occasional coffee cake, and they say reduced fat, so I mean how bad can it be....

Scrolling down the PDF to marble loaf coffee cake I was getting a little worried.... I was seeing numbers in 300 calorie range but it was reduced fat right?

Marble coffee cake: 470 calories, 290 from fat, 28 g of fat, 5 g of those evil sat. fats, 100 mg cholesterol, and 440 g of sodium.

That innocent weekly (sometimes semiweekly) indulgence in a marble coffee cake was clogging my arteries faster than a Quarter pounder with cheese. My only thought was: what the hell are they putting in this thing? Lard?!

The truth is most of us are or at least should be aware of what were are putting into our bodies. I for one refuse to eat fast food simply because its nutritional value with a whole ton of shit you don't need anyways. besides did you see what it did to that guy in Super size me? .... and here the local Starbucks is serving up the same goods on a different platter.

Don't get me wrong, I love my chocolate cheesecake, pizza, and pint of stout as much as the next guy, but the reality is that it has to be taken in moderation...

I'd rather down a few extra pints than have my marble coffee cake. So to the Center for Science in the Public Interest I say this: keep on trucking, I have yet another reason not to like Starbucks... but stay away from the beer.

Before I go could someone please get me a grande decaf drip? one equal packet and whole milk. I'm dying over here!

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